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Are you taking baby on an airplane? 10 tips

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Mother of two and founder of Moonboon

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What could be better than packing your bags for a relaxing vacation soaking up the warmth of the sun? Are you taking baby on an airplane for the first time?

Most parents dread boarding a flight with a baby. What if baby starts crying or disturbing the other passengers? Traveling with an infant may come with surprises, but your world adventure can still be successful even though you have an infant in your arms.

Flying with an infant takes particular preparation, but with these simple tips you can feel good about packing your bags and taking off.

When is flying with a baby permitted?

There are no rules for when you may fly with a baby. However, before you board, do find out whether the airline imposes restrictions. Some airlines do not permit travel with a baby less than 7 days old.

The answer to the question ”when is flying with a baby permitted?” depends mostly on your own sense of confidence in taking the new family member along for a trip.

1. Long distance and overseas flights

No matter whether your baby is 3 or 10 months old, long distance flights are challenging for the little one. Do you want to make the trip easier for baby? Flying at night may be helpful as it matches the daily rhythm of the child. If baby can be asleep for several hours during the flight, time will pass quickly, and you can relax at the same time.

2. Domestic and short flights

Are you making a domestic or short trip with baby? For a short daytime flight, plan according to baby’s nap time.

3. Order a lift from the airline

Are you crossing the Atlantic? Many airlines will give you a lift for an infant under 9 months when you travel overseas. It is not possible to book a seat for baby, so the lift is a good choice.

Order the lift well in advance as the airline may have only a limited number of lifts. Usually there is no charge to use an airline lift. If you are traveling alone with baby on a long trip, it keeps your hands free.

4. Pack entertainment for baby

During takeoff and landing, you must keep baby on your lap and share the seat belt. For that reason it may be helpful for you to have some entertainment for baby for the time you are strapped in.

5. Reduce the pressure in the baby's ears 

The pressure in the ears is unpleasant, and even for a baby 10 months or older, you must relieve it. Are you still breastfeeding? Swallowing helps ease the pressure, so you may want to offer baby your breast during takeoff and landing. Or you could offer baby some water or a pacifier to help with the pressure.

6. Comfortable clothing

Among the many pieces of advice for flying with baby, one of the best is to dress baby comfortably. The air conditioning in the aircraft may lower the temperature quite a bit; you may want to dress baby in warm clothes.

If you are transferring to a second flight, you may experience large differences in temperature. Dress baby in layers so that you may adjust the clothes to the environment.

7. Don't forget ear muffs

Are you flying with a very sensitive baby? Ear muffs are helpful in helping baby avoid hearing the noise of the plane while sleeping.

8. Packing your flight bag

Depending on the age of your child (an infant, a baby of 6 months, or a child older than 1 year), your needs may vary. However, some things are useful no matter what.

A change of clothes for baby and a clean top for yourself are nice to have along, and extra pacifiers are essential. Pack a small blanket or duvet, wet wipes, diapers, and plastic bags, and don’t forget baby food and toys for the little one.

9. Pack your carry-on bag carefully

When flying with an infant or a baby, you need baby food if you are not breastfeeding. You may take baby food on board even if it exceeds 100 ml (3.4 ounces) in volume.

Want to make the trip through security easier? Pack all bottles, jars, and containers in transparent bags that you can easily remove from the diaper bag. This helps speed you through security.

10. Bring a carrier or stroller

It’s nice to have your hands free while traveling, whether you are traveling alone with baby or with the entire family. It can be a challenge to keep baby on one’s lap from departure to arrival.

Therefore it’s a good idea to bring a stroller or a carrier for baby to sit in during the flight. In the airport, the child can sleep in the stroller or the carrier – no need for you to carry a warm, sleeping baby around a place with crowds of people.


About the author

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Mother of two and founder of Moonboon

Alongside her husband, Marie started Moonboon, to help her son sleep better and get some more rest for herself as a mom. Marie is not only a lover of all things related to sleep and children, but also aesthetics and Scandinavian minimalism. Keeping up to date with lifestyle, design and fashion trends is a passion of hers, and one that Marie loves to share. This passion also translates into our organic and minimalist products at Moonboon that seamlessly combine Scandinavian design aesthetics and respect for the environment. Join the Moonboon universe and be inspired on Instagram and delve deeper into our story.



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